Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Focal Group Information

I submitted my IRB materials a week from today and am still waiting on approval, so I thought it may be helpful to learn more about my focal group I will be working with. We just took our Reading MAP, so here are their levels based on this assessment. The group is composed of 7 students. 4 of these students are below 3rd grade level and 3 are above 3rd grade level. I am still looking and waiting for approval from IRB so that I can go ahead and send home consent forms. I am looking forward to working with the students for this research project!


  1. I am also waiting to get my IRB approval back, but I went ahead and sent my consent forms out and started gathering data. I was worried if I waited to long I would not have time to get good solid data. I guess I am just hoping my IRB gets approved like it was, but I guess I can always tweak it.

  2. I have that worry, too. I asked Dr. Campbell and she said to wait just in case. I am sure it can be tweaked if something needs to be changed! :)
