Friday, October 12, 2012

Ending Data

I spent this morning re-working my baseline and mid data from the Reading and Writing Attitude Surveys, since I had to omit one of my students' results due to a parent changing their mind about consenting. Yesterday and today, I administered the Reading and Writing Attitude Surveys to students. On this post, are the graphs from the results. In summary, this is what I found from mid (Daily Five) to end (Literature Circles) data.

*More students have positive attitudes about reading during free time.
*More students are happier about starting a new book.
*More students have positive attitudes about starting a new book.
*Students have about the same attitudes about  a teacher asking them questions about what they have read.
*Students are more positive about reading in school.
*Students are more positive about when it is time to read in class.
*Students are more positive about reading stories in class.
*More students have positive attitudes about reading out loud in class.

*Students feel the same about becoming a better writer and writing about something they have heard/seen.
*Students are happier now if they wrote less in school.
*Students have more positive attitudes about writing about things that have happened in their life.
*Students are more upset about writing more in school.
*Students have less positive attitudes about keeping a journal in class.
*Students are more upset about another student reading something they have written.

I am looking forward to analyzing all of my data completely to start my research report and presentation!

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